Category Archives: University of London

Ancient Literary Criticism

Ancient Literary Criticism  by Casper C. de Jonge Throughout Antiquity, Greeks and Romans interpreted, analyzed, and evaluated the texts of poets and prose writers. They formulated ideas about the nature of poetry, its effects, and its function in society. They also developed theories on the effective composition of prose texts, and they commented on the style of orators, historians, and philosophers. […]

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Literary Criticism: Aristotle onwards


Literary Criticism:  Aristotle onwards by bunpeiris I bumped into a pile of second-hand books causing one of the books to be swept off the pile. It was a dusty, discoloured & dog-eared book titled “Classical criticism“. I wasn’t interested in literary criticism at all then. I was too young to digest the serious stuff; furthermore I felt falling short of the […]

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Rise of English: Liberal Humanism


Rise of English 1: Liberal Humanism Written by bunpeiris Rise of English 1: Liberal Humanism is the first article of a series of articles titled “Rise of English“. It has dual purposes: to enlighten the readers of the value of English language in the global stage; to bring in the Literature in English closer to your sense of humanity.  A Pan […]

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Antigone by Sophocles


Antigone by Sophocles bunpeiris Like Hamlet, Joan of Arc, Galileo and Sir Thomas More, Antigone inspires us with her courage, fortitude and impenetrable strength of conscience. She stands against the monolith and brings her society to a reckoning it sorely needs. What’s Antigone Antigone [c. 429 B.C], the most celebrated drama in Greek literature  & one of the most consistently popular plays […]

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Odyssey by Homer

Ulysses and the Sirens (1891) by John William Waterhouse

Odyssey Odyssey: No task is a bridge too far Odyssey [1190 BC] by Homer the immortal Greek poet, one of the twin sequels to the great epic poem of Iliad [the other being Aeneid by Virgil], a  magnificent diamond of heavenly radiance that dazzles forever in the cosmicscape of Western Literature, wouldn’t be constrained by a very ordinary human-invented concept called regular […]

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Thomas Hardy

Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Charles Dickens

Thomas Hardy by J. B. Bullen*1 [gleanings:literary biographies,universality-of-themes-in-fiction] The tragedies of Thomas Hardy‘s novels are indeed dark, but that darkness is a foil to the rightness and optimism of life. As Thomas Hardy recognised, pleasure, joy and satisfaction are emotions understood only in terms of their opposite, and much of the energy in his writing comes from the stress between […]

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Literary Periods & Movements

English Literature

Literary Periods & Movements Tracing the evolution of literature through time scholars often group works from a certain timeframe together and label it as a period or movement.  The movements or periods listed here where not mutually exclusive in their timeframes, they overlap, liberally. In some cases a single author can even be claimed by more than one movement. Classifing […]

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