Figurative Language

Figurative Language

 [ Part 1]

Figurative language

The use of words to
express meaning beyond the literal meaning of the words themselves: metaphor,
simile, hyperbole, oxymoron, personification

Figurative language is the opposite
of literal language

Literal language means exactly what it says.

Figurative language makes the reader or listener use his imagination &
understand much more than plain words.

He ran fast.  [literal]
He ran like
the wind. [figurative]

Why do we have figurative language?

A figure is worth a thousand words [A picture is worth a thousand words]

Metaphor. We liken [compare] one thing to
We use as or like
to compare

We don’t use  as or Like
I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales & hills

by William Wordsworth]

The sea is a hungry dog

Giant & grey

He rolls on the beach all day

sea by J. Reeves]
She is like a rose  [She is beautiful.]
She is a rose.  [She is
As flies to wanton boys are we to th’ gods,
They kill us for their sport.
[Shakespeare: King Lear Act 4.1.43]

All the world’s a stage,

And all the men & women merely players

[Shakespeare: As You Like It, 2.7.142]

It’s been a hard day’s night
& I’ve been working like a dog
You are the sunshine of my life.

Hyperbole – exaggeration

have a million things to do today.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for rich man to
enter the kingdom of God

19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25]

I can tell when my mother-in-law is coming over; the mice throw themselves on the traps.


“Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, Then another thousand, then a second hundred, Then still another thousand, then a hundred, Then, when we will have made so many thousands, we’ll garble them up, so that we may not know, nor any wicked man have power to give us the evil eye, knowing the quantity of kisses.”

―Gaius Valerius Catullus